Growth Groups

Growth Groups

Get Connected By Joining A Growth Group!




Join A Growth Group

Growth Groups at The Building are small groups that meet throughout the week to pray, grow, study the Bible and have fun together. When you’re part of a Growth Group, you’ll make meaningful connections with others and experience accountability, growth, and transformation. If you’re looking to find a community of believers to do life with, join a Growth Group today! Click the button below: 

Join A Group

Frequently Asked Questions

Where Do Groups Meet?

Our Groups meet in homes, online, and all around the Solano area. Each group seeks to develop a real relevant relationship with God and establish Holy Community with the members in our group.

When Do Groups Meet?

Groups meet on different days and times throughout the week ranging in length from 6-8 weeks.

What Will We Do In Growth Groups?

We will develop as followers of Christ, building life changing friendships and have fun. You will either be participating in a group which has a study focus (follows a curriculum) or a group that has an interest focus (i.e. cooking, painting, fitness etc). 

Can I Join More Than One Growth Group?

Yes. Please be advised that some groups require homework. You can find out more about the group homework requirements by reading the “how to prepare” section listed in the description of each group

If you can’t find an open group or have any additional questions, please email:

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